
Showing posts from April, 2010


**************************************************** 恋爱是一堂课: 初恋是第一堂课, 恋爱是读书, 同居是做功课, 订婚是复习, 结婚是交作业, 生孩子是准备考试, 养育是大考, 孩子长后是放假, 抱孙子是成绩揭晓, 提防外遇是课外活动, 如果老了走不动了另一半还愿意拖着你的手, 才正式毕业。 From Toccate Fugse ************************************************** 写得很好 =)

no mood to work

ermm~ i no mood to work recently haha because i will be released next FRIDAY yahoo ~ so the sales also mama ~ i even very lazy to treat the customers like b4 i did~ no mood to explain so much for them i juz say : i m not the TM staff here any requires or question want to ask want to know plz refer the counter when ur number is called or ask the reception counter but actually depends 1~ maybe my mood is ok i will answer de or the customer quite polite i will answer oso i hate the ppl rude to treat me they act as i must help him or her very sorry to tell tat : i m not the TM staff !! (hahahaha xD) the customers are very annoying and always dun noe wat i explained nid me to explain explain many many many times times times times may be they finaly will noe but some of them wont understand oso == very == de haiz ~ i wont be willing to leave TM i love here like the staff here but the job is quite bored and then the ppl here (the customers) really very rude no manner haiz ~

清明 -- 我的kampung

早上回了kampung行山 = 拜山 我的kampung 在哪里呢? 在 SELANGOR RAWANG 再远远远一点 哈哈 LTR 也可以去到哦~ 一个叫 RASA (叻思)的地方咯~ 去拜我的阿公阿妈~ 也只有我们3个人罢了咯~ 每年都几乎是酱の~ 所以我爸其实也是蛮孝顺下的 呵呵 我们七点多就出发了 车程一个小时咯~ 到那里都快九点了~ 很塞车下咯里面~ 也有些人拜完了 下山 好早哦~ 呵呵~ 今年我们拜得比较简单咯~ 毕竟都已经很多年了~ 应该快10年了~ 以前都要到十一点才开始收拾~ 今年我们十一点就回家咯~ 哈哈~ 拍了些那里的照片~ 看下吧~ 真的很有味道哦~ 哈哈~ this is my 祖屋