
Showing posts from June, 2010

决定我未来的抉择 =)

不知道还有人记得 我在五月22号无名网志post过这篇网志 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 决定我未来的抉择 问题 - 我应该留下在我现在的补习中心还是换补习中心 ? 目的 - 为了考好spm 假设 - 如果留下 , 我可能会继续浑浑噩噩的下去. 如果离开 ,我还有可能进步. 操纵 - 选择 / 留下 / 或 / 离开 / 反应 - 一年后的spm成绩 固定 - 学费 [没有差很多] 技巧 - 用理智的一面来作出最明智的选择 过程 -1 成绩不理想 2 寻找其他补习中心的资料 3 安排时间 计算学费 4 自己和自己讨论 [ 不是有病拉 ] 5 分析 6 犹豫 7 做出选择 8 明年今日记录结果 讨论 -1 怎么才能做出最明智的选择? - 2 一个抉择影响一个人的一生. 问题 - 1 什么原因让你不想离开? 不舍得的朋友 , 老师 ,还有某人 2 什么原因让你想离开 ? 成绩不理想 不想见到某人 最后的选择 - 离开 选择后的感言 - 希望我不会后悔 现在的结论 - 抉择很难做选择 最终结果 - [ 明年今日才知道 ] 最终结果后的感言 - [ 明年今日才知道 ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 我现在就来完成我的报告 最终结果 - 成绩理想 最终结果后的感言 - 我做出了个很明智的决定 离开圆方 离开他 成绩不称得上很好 总算是理想的 其实事情有很多可能性 世界上可能还会有那么一种人 像他一样 呆在一起时 嘴里对你很坏 你会恨不得恨死他 ...

tats is me =)

tats is ME =)

all the things are changing

the people beside you you already cant read their mind the subjects you study already no just a piece of cake the atitude you sholud having now already should not be "do it tomorrow" the world still moving toward but why only you are sitting here have your rest ? move toward man don not waste your time your are being leave behind already

坚持下去 =)

[分享]据统计,大雄在《哆啦A梦》全集中一共被胖虎揍173次,被老师骂60次,被妈妈骂了327次,被狗咬23次,掉进水沟14次.可见我们大雄是多么乐观的活着,我们前面的困难算什么,我们也要坚持下去 =)

wahaha ~

wahaha~ i reli got shocked !! he invited me to to his birthday party leh ~ so so so so so UNBELIVEBLE u noe ? btw ~ his birthday is 28 August lah ~ so early invite me meh ? hmm~ i oso dunno why he so early lah~ then he say he will send me the invitation card ~ wah xD he better dunno fool me ~ otherswise i will kill him =) wahahahaha RELI HAPPY !! =)

TOY STORY 3 !!! =)

finally i went to watch TOY STROY 3 this moring !!! =) really nice !! and funny =) the story still talk about the friendship among the toys~ Since Andy alreday 17 years old so he will go to college will soon he need to clear away his room because he will just stay at his college's hostel he need to deceided whether he want to throw again the toys or keep it in the attic well ~ Andy is a GOOD boy ~ he want to keep them in the attic and bring Woody to college =) haha xD but some dramatic plot happened ~ the toys included Woody are being donated to the SUNNY SIDE , a kindergarten (i think so~) so the climax is happened begin there !!! hahaha xD u watch urself lah =P really not bad !!! must watch it !!! hmm~ in the story , my favourite is the Woody horse, BULLSEYE ~ very QQQQQQQQQ =) haha xD my lovely BULLSEYE (in toy story 2 )


阿牛主唱的 初恋红豆冰主题曲 ~ 很不错哦~ ^^

i love myself ^^

i captured this yesterday xD quite like this photo =P thankz dear help me finished my puzzle =) i love myself and you tooo ~ ^^

experiment time xD

Today v hv our 1st individual experiment xD it looks like so pro xD let c photo xD haha xD haha xD cheers do ur experiment lah ~ he definitely is CRAZY xD wat is tat ? hehe ~ i am so serious xD


我想在自己还没变太烂之前 要努力的向前冲 =)


放空也是种解压 =) 所以有时请不要打扰我放空 =D