nothing special =)

en ~
nothing special today ~
i arranged my time table for my F6 yesterday~
haha xD
same as the F5 ~
i am going to tie with plenty of tuition classes ~
but u all should know~
i will like it ~
although i am going to be tired =)
but i will enjoy it ~
i rather be busy
at least i wont waste my time
at least i learn something
(although i dont know wat i learned =D )

there will be something different form last time
hmm ~ now i can drive alone to attend classes ~
no need to rely on my parents~
but only for the afternoon classes ~
they dont want let me drive alone at the night ~
besides~ i change the tuition centre ~
not the JINJANG there already ~
not SSTC already ~
(maybe taking PA at there only =)
i am force to go CEKAP
bacause only there got the Form6 classes
and then i think there is the only 1 near my house
actually quite far also =P
hmm ~ or got anyone can recommande me to others tuition centre ?
because i m dont like CEKAP very much~
hmm ~ because i like SSTC =)
there not suitable my 'style' lah ~
haha xD

tats all for tis =)
ByE bYe my frenz
thankyou for visited me here =)


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