
Showing posts from July, 2010

new way

i want find a new way for myself that can let me feel much better than now at least no more grumble about others , myself at least i feel comfortable to do anything and happy to do anything for anyone and myself =)

life without BIO is really fantastic

life without BIO is really fantastic haha xD

finally u grown =)

time is the best medicine for any pain yup~ it proven !! do you know , i really happy that finally he is grown~ it used 8 months for him to recover~ and he use 100 articles to jot down his days after broken up with her GF~ his daily life let him put down all the sadness he put down the sadness but not their memory =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 与其讨好别人,不如武装自己; 与其逃避现实,不如笑对人生; 与其听风听雨,不如昂首出击! 很有意思的一番话,不是吗? 你在对的时间,遇到错的我.不是你的错,问题在于我...谢谢你曾经爱过我.我在这段时间里.错过太多太多了...如今有一个这样的她出现了.我不确定我就是她要的那一杯茶,我不确定我配得上她 但我确定,我不想错过那样的一个她. 因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 第100篇了... 一切都结束了. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- meaningful rite ? he already start his new life hope him happy always =) and good luck =)

take note my dear~

plz take note that : my blog link will be change soon ~ may be will change to >>

精神饱满 =目

最近都miss了我的午觉 =( 然后得晚上都得上课 都觉得会很累 我还能想象到听课听到睡着的情景 =目 哪里知道 两天了 我晚上上课都很精神 =目 不知道 为什么呢~~ 哈哈~ 好事来的 =)


无奈的一天 衣服被骗买了翻版 算了~ 见到对方是学生~ 不计较~ 但是没有了40 零吉 :( 天啊~ 好衰哦~ :( 真的无奈 :(

today 22/7

today v were stay back for choir practice xD really had fun who said the song bad ? haha xD everyone was so exciting when sang it especially the rap haha xD en~ ok loh ~ just they really excited so not follow the tempo then they din remember the lyric then our group have a very nice intro ^^ haha xD hope Wei Lun will do it xD Then they were play the piano yew soon was play the paint == he drew me leh but ugly de ~ == hmm~ today ~ not bad loh ^^


我是不是不应该回来~ 我是不是决定错了? 现在回头 会不会太迟了 ? 我应该必须坚持下去的 但是 让自己难受 还得撑下去吗 ?

你会是我人生的哪首歌呢 ?

每个人在我心中会有不一样の歌 有些记载着我们的回忆 代表着专属于你的特性 都是我们大大小小的故事 可能有些 当中你会知道 自己是什么歌 那证明它真的对我们很重要囖~ ;D 想下吧~ 你会是我心中的哪首歌~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

101th blog =)

this is my 101th blog =) wahoo~ hmm~ i like to blogging these days hmm~ i also do not why then i realise that today even no one people blogging how come this happened ? is this really nobody update their blog or my blog system got something wrong - cant show the updated blog artcle ? hmm~ i can not get the answer * sad * why nobody update their blog ? i aldready have the habit to read others' blog ~ haiz ~ really sad =( so i update my blog to remind u all ---- UPDATE BLOG lah~~~ i want read ah ~~ TQ=)

别人认定的最好 = 你的所选 ?

是不是别人认定的最好 你就是一定非选它不可 ? 有没有想过 它是不是真的适合你 ? 它的存在 你觉得舒适吗 ? 强逼你选它 你真的会开心吗 ? 选你所爱 爱你所选~♥

谁是谁的全部 ?

到底谁是谁的全部 ? 什么会是你的全部 ?


last two weeks really busy weeks for ... hmm~ not me lah ~ but i can felt that everyone around me were quite busy and tired =) then what did i do last 2 weeks ? haha xD my job was to scrimshank =) then i really felt that the group sit around me really model of naive children wahaha xD they sing , play ,really bring a lot of fun to me =) haha xD today wat did our group do ? haha xD we bully ah soon since he really deserve it =P then actually i not the one who really bully him loh ky and se loh =P wahaha what we did ? we rampas all his things haha xD he oso din bring many things to school oso he brought his loveable FRIDAY (his bottle) , a empty bag (only 2 pens and a MUET text book and calculator and some rubbish ) that all what he bring everyday~ wahaha xD really got fun with them but my dear friends ~ dun forget ur coming exam may be next month ya ~ wahaha xD oops ~ i kena study oso lah ~ BBYE =)


我今天无意中看到五月天唱的一句蛮有诗意的歌词: " 如果说最后 宜静不是嫁给了大雄 一生相信的执着 一秒就崩落 " 所以我就去百度下,看最后宜静最后是不是嫁给了大雄,宜静最后是嫁给了大雄。然后,又无意中发现动画《机器猫》是有如此感人结局的: 某天,大雄如往常般,忘了做作业在学校被老师骂,也如往常般被技安、阿福他们欺负,连未来的老婆宜静也将先嫁给别人。总之,对大雄来讲,生活就是一团糟,今天跟昨天没什么两样。   唯一的变化是,小叮当突然变成植物机器猫。   无论大雄怎么踢、打、骂,小叮当都没有反应。大雄不知道小叮当到底发生了什么只伤心地哭了一整晚。可是,无论大雄再伤心透顶,小叮当也只是纹风不动地坐在那里,大雄伸手到口袋里,但口袋也豪无任何动静。   然后大雄想起抽屉里的时间飞行机,就穿著睡衣去22世纪找小叮当的妹妹小叮铃。小叮铃还没完全听完说明,就被大雄催着坐上飞机飞回20世纪。小叮铃一看她哥哥动也不动,马上知道是电池用完了。正想换电池时,小叮铃想起一个非常重大的事。没有备用电源……大雄不懂得其中意思,只在一旁催。小叮铃只好问大雄:你愿意让哥哥跟你的回忆都消失吗?原来旧型的猫机器人的耳朵里,装有备用电源,以便充电时能保持至今为止的记忆。   可是……小叮当没有耳朵!(这是众所皆知的)大雄终于理解了事情的困难。   种种回忆在大雄的脑海里奔腾大雄跟小叮当曾飞到过去、未来,也曾到恐龙世界,海底世界,更在宇宙打过仗……小叮铃拼命解释给大雄听。若要装新电池,小叮当醒来时会失去一切与大雄曾有过的回忆。若保持现状,记忆不会消失。结果,大雄选择保持现状。   此时,大雄还是小学六年级。   许多年后……从海外归国的大雄,已长大成人,并就职于某家尖端科技的企业。他身边的新娘,正是宜静。当年,小叮铃回到22世纪后,大雄只跟身边的人们说,小叮当回到未来的世界去了。时日一久,也就没人再提小叮当的事。不过,小叮当其实一直被保管在大雄家的壁橱里。   大雄为了修好小叮当,拼命用功读书,然后国中、高中、大学,成绩逐年变好,最后出国到著名的大学留学。 现在,大雄身在他自己的研究室中。他叫来平日严禁其出入研究室的妻子宜静。对她说:你看好,我要按开关了。说完,大雄泪盈于眶。   他就是为了这一刻,苦学了十几年……为了这一刻,从一个老是忘了做作业...


没有人希望被排斥 那怎么你会去排斥人 ?

Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes For Unity

HERE IN MY HOME Verse 1 Hold on brother hold on The road is long. We’re on stony ground But I’m strong. You ain’t heavy Verse 2 Oh there’s a misspoken truth that lies Colors don’t bind, oh no. What do they know? They speak falsely. Chorus Here in my home I’ll tell you what its all about There’s just one hope here in my heart One love undivided That’s what it’s all about Please won’t you fall in one by one by one with me? Verse 3 Push back sister won’t you push back? Love won’t wait. Just keep pushing on. Yes I’m strong. You ain’t heavy. Verse 4 Oh don’t you worry about that… What we have shadows can’t deny Don’t you know it’s now or never? Rap [Bahasa Malaysia] Bertubi asakan berkurun lamanya Hati ke depan mencari yang sayang translation: Years of fears and years of tribulation The heart keeps searching for that endless devotion [Mandarin] 手牵手大家一起走,我代表华人开口未来就没有丢走 phonetics: shou qian shou da jia yi qi zou wo dai biao hua ren kai kou wei lai jiu mei you diu zou translation: Hand in hand...

my week

wat i did for this week ? MONDAY i "busy" with my preparation of science exhibition hmm~ not really busy with it ~ i just do some small work~ something no need to work my brain~ =P TUESDAY science exhibition~ but i din involved any activity i just loitered around the lab there then hid myself in the physics lab do my things and sms with dear =P WEDNESDAY Science exhibition too~ i planed to loitered again in lab =P yeah ~ i did it ~ haha xD en kwong call us to open a stall to show the electric field blah blah then the motor , generator~ then ~ haha xD i m definetly is lazy de~ i do my work in the lab =P then they oso enjoy their game~ lame game =P THRUSDAY today reli had fun with dear brota, holick , alvin , guagua , trumpet , maysuet ,sophia happy gang ❤ then some1 remind me tat song : here in my home dear 5a guys ~ miss u ~ will 6rS is my home ? =) HOPE SO ❤


呼吸困难 i can feel that i cant breath well dun know it is physically or mentality problem i just feel that : i start to suffer in breathing OMG




既然是自己选择的 就不准后悔 再煎熬 都必须撑过去

Practice make prefect

Practice make prefect finally i were blamed i used to seldom practice my violin ;P but i still can " control " it ~ since i learn already for few months so should be difficult already~ and i failed to "control" it already == is the time to really have a time to practice my lovely violin =) besides that my dear STPM subject also need many pratice so start now on i will cut down my frequency to online instead of do my work wah ~ what a pity > ok bye bye lah my FB haiz


sori for my bad temper ~ sorry dear


i make some decisions these few days i do not join the choir competition (but i still go for practise) i do not join the PRS khursus ( i can make it but it will make me tired ) i do not go to CHEM tuition on JULY (i really feel that I hate there) i will start to hate u (cause u really make me feel that I hate u) ....... to be continue


话说又来到星期四了 明天又星期五 之前安排的东西 又没能做到 很气自己啊~~~~ chem 酱就miss 了两天的课 这个星期 我才发现原来有些人是可以很厚颜无耻 这种人 厚颜无耻 的来 很会装无辜 我很不经意的说 "让你" 然后就很顺利拿到了 告诉你 我看透你的花招了 下一个 你绝对没有机会再接近 你也挡不了我 要回它的机会 这个星期 *拍了班级照 *留下来练习choir 我知道我浪费很多时间