Ekiden Run

i went to RUN yesterday
that was the 1st run for this year
i am look forward to Mcd RUN and may be adidas or Nike run
i cant miss the Mcd run again =)
this run actually is a relay race run
tat means a group must have 5 ppl
and each ppl run for 3km =)

the Ekiden Run hold at Putra Jaya
wat a such big big area there
i lost in there =o=
there are very big and then all the building looks like all same only
then all the street there are used to held event or blah blah blah karnival
but there are really nice
there have a big lake and the scenery are very nice
i pass by when i was running
so i miss the chance to watch the scenery there :'(

but there is a metal for me for this run

the 1st metal tat i got for run =P
so proud for it =P

nice leh?
me and the metal =)

funny pic =o=
okay lah..
i very honest de..
do u c the " FINISHING METAL" ?

Oops.. i use webcam to capture de..
so there will be a upside down =P
watever i still proud for it
i finished my 3km run =P


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