
Showing posts from 2010

time to say BYEBYE

today will be the last day for me to attend the class at ELR 1st of all i will say thankyou to the sir (although i not really like him very much) but to be honest i really got learn something from there so THANKYOU very much then i will feel so free after this long period lesson i can be concentrate on my STPM =( then i sure will miss someone there like Edward he already stopped his lesson although he paid but now he edi in my fb frens list =) haha xD and then maybe i will also miss the QKI tan (if i m free xD ) haha xD although it cant compared to SSTC but it still give me some memorable events , things and people and then maybe after this i should say byebye Metro Prima haha xD i started bored with there since this year haha xD i had to work there for 6 months and had to attend violin class there and also Elr.. So .. average to say that .. i went to MP at least 3 days in the past 5 months=( and i went to MP almost everyday in the past 11 months ago =( haha BYEBYE ELR and BYEBYE Metro...

Xmas days

Very sorry to my dar I cant accompany u when eve Xmas day and Xmas day Anything can do at the eve since I cant go to count down So I decided to stay at home ='( And I and family went Mid Valley for dinner at Xmas night We had Kenny Rogers Roasters for our dinner Yummy =P p/s: i dunno my mum will kill me or not if she noe i post her photo here xD MUFFIN !! KENNY ROGERS is over here @.@ my dad was so busy so i din capture him =X And then we went to shopping Haha xD I bought a dress there Had a nice Xmas night =) ------------------------------------------------------- Then the day after 26/12 I went shopping with dar's family at Jusco -///- Had fun with them And we had Kenny Rogers Roasters as lunch also -///- they are quite friendly de.. and i was so shy #-////-# haha xD My conclusion is jusco one not as nice as MidValley one But Mid Valley 1 not really nice too =P That is my opinion only Haha xD

♥ Your anniversary with Seed Valentine TODAY

♥ Today is our anniversary ♥ ♥ 23/12 ♥ ♥ i love you , darling ♥ ♥ purple rose ♥ ♥ my dar gv de ♥ ♥ this is my 1st rose ♥ ♥ I LOVE IT ♥ ♥ thankz dar ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥ we went to 1u ♥ ♥ just hd window shopping and watched the Xmas decoration ♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ i like this and dar as well xD ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nothing i can say other than i love you =) i hope we will be together forever ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Taman Pertanian 2010

Taman Pertanian 我又来了 =) wah..这次和上次不一样囖.. 上次一辆车 今天4辆叻 =。= 和一班upper6 のsenior去 =) 这次就可怜囖 遇上那个司机mr Tham 我们迷路囖 迷了有两个小时 才到目的地 天啊~ 我们在车上几乎闷荒了 无聊到 搅开车窗 和隔壁の司机喊 :MERRY XMAS 哈哈 =。= 考试压力很大 所以在这之前需要解压先 =。= 结果 我们是八点出发 十二点才到 我们当然解决了我们的午餐才进去 进去就只有一个乐趣 就是骑脚车 =D 但是下山的路容易时 上山的路会要了我的命 哈哈 xD 这次的 景点也是两个罢了=。= 养鱼场 和 四季屋 所以 就看照片好了 =) 炜杰和我 贾荑很厉害吧? 都没穿冷衣 =D 很漂亮~ 但是是假の =/ 我穿了他的冷衣 =目 到了养鱼场囖 Jon 和 Dardar~ 发型有没有点像呢 ? 我在抓相机~没有的入镜 =/ 为什么我还是没得入镜? =/ 嘿..笑 =) 这张很不错叻~ 来几张我漂亮的照片 =) 我和dradarの =) 之后三点多我们就回家 然后吃麦东西才回家 ^^ 很不错的一天 =) 欲知更多照片 你可以按下!/album.php?aid=257899&id=605737647&page=2!/album.php?fbid=1249843021988&id=1706878523&aid=30042 去年的网志 =)

Noel is coming

OMG i started love Christmas i love the decoration of the shopping complexs o no .. i must visit all the complexs this year !! i missed last year =( yayaya Thankz my mum brought me something let me touched =') This is snow man very Q rite ? it is a candle oo =) and i love this.. a big sock ! hmm.. but i dunno what can i do with this ? may i just put it on my bed ? perhaps i will get a present next day from Santa =D this is the one i got it from my mum too.. which one nice ? haha xD and the last ... i love this X'mas song =) LAST CHRISTMAS this version not bad ooo=) hope u will like it=) Taylor Swift:Last Christmas

this week

this is my busy week =) keep on got date =) Sunday went 1U with family for dinner actually my mum wan to see the X'mas decoration hmm.. quite nice =) she said she wan to go Mid Valley coming Sunday wah xD Monday went out to have dinner with buddies none often the chan wee vern will date us passionately so must attend lo we had dinner at menjalara there hmm.. the food is bad dun go there anymore haha xD then after dinner we go DESA PARK CITY for a walk i can feel that the "relationship" btw us are never change since we "separate" there arent any "door" btw us we still can talk and play very close but oppositely that 1 is never change until this moment we are the people that cant live in the same space i definitely will feel dyspnea =X :: skip :: skip :: skip :: skip :: skip :: skip :: skip :: skip :: Tuesday hmm.. nthg special but need to go elr morning and nite classes * tired * Wednesday still went elr for moring and nite classes then had lunch with d...

nice mural at SMP

i went SMP today =) for next week's scout activity taklimat then i found that the school full with mural , wall painting ! almost very wall have been painted and very nice haha.. have a look !! u can c the walls along the corridor are colorful upstair there oso got ! there is flags and the logo ~ nice buildings~ i like this ~ these are outside the science labs very nice and colorful~ i am admire the drawing skill... 实在 自叹不如 =/

下雨天 麻烦天

最近一直在下雨叻 是很不错的天气 天气没有那么热 但是 下雨天 还真的是麻烦天 尤其是我们这种 '' 离乡背井'' 去KL补习的 真的麻烦 就像今天... 哇.. 下午还真的下得很大.. 好久没有下的那么大了.. ky 和 ms 都没有带雨伞 只好和eric还有一个男生 五个人share两把小伞 hmmm...几乎都没有什么用囖 ky 还是淋湿完了 哈哈 xD KL到处积水 我们还真的寸步难行 还好我穿拖鞋 =P 最难过的是 当我们好不容易才走到火车站 我的天 =o= 火车来了 我们拼命地跑 但是 没有用 我到的时候 只有个门是开着的 我就排队想进去 哪里懂 这时候 它竟然要关了 我们就按着门口的按键 想开回门 哪知道.. 它还是关了... 3 2 1... 3秒都不到 它就走了 在我面前 在我眼前 它开走了 我的天 =.= 我无言.... 只好等 还要等30分钟叻 淋湿了 无所事事 在ktm站 有什么东西做呢 买杯面暖肚子囖 ky拿着热乎乎的杯面 一副很感动的样子 xD 面啊~ 热乎乎的面啊~ 火车啊 火车 你几时来啊 ? 下着大雨 但是我知道你看不到=。= 下大雨 你依然看不到=。= 被气坏的我 =P 你默默地来 默默地走 我挥一挥手 你仍然头也不回地走 =。=