
Showing posts from March, 2012


又是个不眠的夜晚 其实 身子已经很累 口已经一直在打瞌睡 但是脑袋一直在想有的没的 也不知道怎么 就是想挑了这首歌 嘴里跟着哼 头也跟着节奏在摆动 最近都好喜欢这首歌 它代表了 希望 " 失望是偶而撥不通的電話號碼 多試幾次 總會回答... " 也许你现在的情况让你失望了 但是只要你更努力多试几次 愿望就会实现 " 許下我第一千零一個願望 有一天幸福總會聽我的話... " 不要总觉得 愿望不可能实现 不许(愿)白不许 哪怕真的愿望会实现呢? " 每一顆心都有一雙翅膀 要勇往直前的飛翔 沒有到不了的地方 ... " 每个人都会有自己的梦想 不要看小自己 和 不要觉得不可能 每个人都有脚 所以一定会走到你要到的目的地 ;) 除了喜欢歌词 我也喜欢她们 一群女生一起努力的感觉 歌声很温柔 和音 很棒


唉.. 还真的不知道是我跟风 还是我带起了潮流 一群毕业生都卷发去啦 害的我一点都不特别啦 >< 狐狸是时候要想想要如何 鹤立鸡群 (乱用成语 xP) 只是短短的update 要你知道 狐狸还没死去 ;)


你单身,我等你; 你说不想恋爱,我等你;   你结束了爱需要疗伤,我陪你,我等你。 我不介意迁就你, 我可以一直抬头仰望你, 只是, 你真的,从来都不看我吗。 你知道没有回应的等待有多辛苦吗。 我曾经多少的炽烈, 最终还是被你耗尽了。 别说我很好, 我很好为什么你不要?   摘自  喜怒哀乐^‿^ <<保留>> 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你是等人的那个, 还是被等的那个? 也许你是等人的那个 但请你也抬下头  看看是否也有人在 等你 等她 by  Jo40


得不到的东西, 我们会一直以为他是多么地美好, 那是因为对他了解太少, 没有时间与他相处在一起。 当有那么一天, 我深入了解后, 发现原来不是我想像中的那么美好。  美好总是停留在想象中, 生活总是释放在幻想里。   摘自fb 喜怒哀乐^‿^ <<保留>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 终于找到 句子 (我也不知道这叫什么)  讲中 我心底的话 虽然不是全部 但是大概的意思终算有 p/s:这一篇的标题 我还真的不知道要放什么 /_\

my holiday gone TT

My 1A session school holiday wanna finish already Haiz What i have done during this holiday ? i go to clinic there have my teeth checkup then "wash" my teeth again then already one month jor my skin haven't 100% recover yet so see doctor at the same day after see dentists then i have my hair cut at the same day too haha xD just a little bit at my fringe there only cost me rm4 haiz i need to renew my ic next day mah then need to have a bit hair cut then only will looks more pretty wat the ic photo i need to keep whole life de leh (if not any accident case happen) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- then the next day morning i went desa complex there to renew my ic loh its just ok if u reach there before 9am i just wait 20 ppl hmm.. just about 1 hour to your turn then i reached home at 10.30am ------------------------------------------------------- ok 3rd...


i m teaching 8 classes as i told u all before then each class must be some students that like to do something to attract your attention some will be very annoying , keep asking you " Teacher, can i help you to erase the white board ? " " Teacher, later i help u to carry books to the downstairs." " Teacher , i don't know how to draw the flower, can u help me." (hey boy/girl, i already draw at the whiteboard lar.. can u just refer ?) they are asking me each in 8 or 10mint even i already start my lesson or doing exercise really >__< then, some will be very nice " Teacher, i treat you the bread later during recess." " Teacher, this sticker i give you ." " Teacher, u are look nice also when you wear spec." " Teacher , your art work are so nice." nice leh ? ^^ then other than that, some of them very like to go toilet i just enter the class for one period ...

A small update

i just edited my blog , u will know what i changed if u always visit me here ;) i just feels like white colour recently  so i change it become white with some soft colours, like light blue , pink and grey  just hope my blog looks simple but nice :) blogging actually is the best hobby  but sometime i really just feels lazy to do so.. so i just hope to have more spirit after i changed this  haha xD my english is always not that good but i just feels like to blogging in english for this  so just PaiSeh if i do any mistake  (p/s: between this is my blog lar, dun kacau me with language problem lar x.X)