
Showing posts from 2009


做工咯~ 第一次在外头做工~ 但是算不错咯~ 人工不错~ 做工环境不错~ 然后工作的内容没怎样~ 呵呵~ 一切算可以咯~ 不要意思咯~ blog最近很> 然后又做工了~ 所以就很懒了~ 今天就大概酱咯~ bye bye

想想 写写 =)

世界上除了情人~还有一群人类叫朋友~ 世界上没有一辈子的事情 但是只要你懂得珍惜那么一刻就已经抵够一辈子了~ 只有努力得来的东西,才会珍惜 ~ 幸福是自己的~ 怎么你会不愿意自己去争取呢? 不要在爱情面前说假话~ 它会相信的~ 世界很现实,你怎样对人~人怎样对你~


虽然只是一天没有打网志 但是感觉已经错过了很多东西没有写到~ 我也很懒得重新写了~ 就来个SUMMARY ~ 24/12 哈哈哈~ 早上一大早就爬起来了 今天要去training啊~ 表姐要继续读书~ 所以她就推荐我去做她的工咯~ 所以都满顺利的~ 而且人工不错哦~ 够我付学费和平时的零用钱咯~ 哈哈~ 所以希望可以做到顺顺利利咯~ 哈哈 今天training 不算有问题~ 该牢记的东西~ 我说了几次就上口了~ 哈哈~ 而且今天几乎都是华人顾客~ 华语和广东话 绝对难不到我~ ^^ 一天下来~ 只是站到很累下罢了~ 哈哈~ 以后习惯了也应该没有怎样了吧? 哈哈~ 晚上就去了boonkeat家的bbq 今天是平安夜叻~ 哈哈~ 每个人都玩得很癫~ 可能很久没有见面吧? 哈哈~ Boon Ella Mable 也快去 ns 了 真的感觉 不懂几时才会聚在一起 哈哈~ 今天我烧的鸡翅膀都很漂亮叻~ 没有烧焦的^^ 哈哈 因为我是厉害的 ^^ 我们也有交换礼物咯~ 我拿到derek 的sunplay ~ 哈哈~ 还不错咯~^^ 他们都有倒数圣诞~ 我很累咯~所以就提早回家了^^ 而且明天有出去^^ 今天过得很不错^^ 也挺有意思的^^ 25/12 今天圣诞节了 我们今天5个+ mr seed + mr 泡菜 Haha~ 今天真的不好意思~ 要大家陪我等巴士 因为我不想麻烦人 所以每次才选择搭巴士 下次我不会了 不会要别人陪我等~ Ts那里蛮漂亮的哦~ 还有旋转式圣诞树 是很可爱~很漂亮~ 我们有在那里拍照哦~ 但是照片不在我这里~ 所以不能POST给你们看 哈哈~ 我们去ts做么呢? 女生shopping time ^^ 哈哈~ 我们五个买了个一样的衣服^^ 还是不一样的颜色哦~ 呵呵~ 我很喜欢涅^^ 之后有去sw~ 我终于买了个小晚装^^ 漂亮~ 我很喜欢^^ 而且 便宜 ^^ 哈哈~ 我们还拍了大头贴^^ 我还是那么的可爱 哈哈 =P 然后就回家咯~ 哈哈~ 我真的跳了很多细节~ 我很懒啊~ 哈哈哈~ SORI ^^

yeah ~ taman pertanian =)

Yeah ~ Taman Pertanian ~ 今天去了Taman Pertanian ^^ 有 司机 MR THAM 喇叭 炜杰 智忠 =) 8.30am就出发了~ 但是9.45am才到~ 但是路程一点都不会闷~ 哈哈哈~ 大家都在车里喊~ 都是我在喊~ haha~ 到了那里~ 我们出全程都是骑脚车~ 所以是很累的~ 尤其是上斜坡~ 我几乎上不了~ 所以用来推~=P 下斜坡~ 风迎面而来是真的~是爽到~ 哈哈哈哈~ 还可以漂移的咯~ ^^ 我们只是去了两个站~ 四季屋 和 养鱼场 哇~ 但是两个站其实是很远的咯~ 很累的叻~ RUMAH ILKIM 温度有注明 -2’c 哈哈~ 是很冷的~ 但是应该没有-2’c吧~ 我都还没结冰=) 哈哈哈~ 其实里面没有什么东西看~ 但是就收费rm3了~ 就纯粹感受下 冷 ~ 哈哈~ 还有拍照咯~ ^^ 然后又之后骑脚车去养鱼场~ 应该有3km++吧~ 而且都是上斜坡的~ 哇~ 我也只能推咯~ 很累啊~ 对了~ 要很感谢 mr tham 帮我背书包~ 减轻我的负担~ 哈哈~ Thankz =) 养鱼场那里很漂亮叻~ 应该是湖吧? 我们就在那里喂鱼=) 第一次在养鱼场喂鱼 而且那里工作人员很好人哦~ 自己拿鱼料给我们 而且不用钱的=) 哈哈 那里的都还像是 红非洲 ~ 哈哈~ 他们其实是在抓鱼的~ 不是喂鱼~ 然后 他们3个男生说要去 Jungle trekking ~ 哈哈哈~将危险的事~ 我当然不参与~ 和喇叭在湖边拍照 休息~ ^^ 15分钟后他们也跑出来~ 说看到山猪~ 不懂是真是假~ 我就看到三个org utan 从那里跑出罢了~ Wakakaka =D 嗯~ 肚子饿了~ 大家就当然wat MR THAM 请吃午餐=) 哈哈~ 就飞车咯~ 哈哈~ 但是路途中~ 不懂谁撞谁~ MR THAM 的脚车脱链~ 好像修不回~ 哈哈~ 所以还脚车的时候 大家都…. 哈哈~ MR THAM 教的=P 12pm多我们就回家咯~ 在车上~ 还是一样sot了~ 后面三个家伙在后面拿面具吓人~ 有人看到 竟然笑哦~ ==’’’ 不然就在后面摆post ~ 我就帮他们拍照咯~ 真的38到没有人有~ 哈哈~ 有照片为证~ Yeah ~ 一个小时后~ 到了kepong KFC~ YEAH ~ Mr Tham 请吃KFC =P 真...

冬至 ^^

今天早~ 满期待的~ 今天冬至嘛~ 我蛮喜欢吃汤圆的^^ 虽然家里弄的没有什么特别~ 都是kosong的~ 哈哈~ 今早心情很好~ 哈哈~ 不要问我为什么~ 因为很好咯~ 早上和 玲玲 搭车去jusco 要register eng programme 但是 要先去南区 所以 玲玲就 马奇 脚车载我去 其实 玲玲 很可爱下的~ 有时你会看她 很不爽~ 因为 有时她蛮不讲理[像我=P] 但是有时她会很好人 ~会很体贴~ 也很随和~ 今天 玲玲教我折星星叻~ 不是普通的星星哦~ 普通的~ 我当然会~ 我也想post照片上来的~ Sori ~ 相机坏了~ Paiseh~~ 哈哈~ 没有事了我们就回家了咯~ 今天都没有怎样咯~ 但是 今天心情很不错~ 呵呵~ 明天会更不错~ TAMAN PERTANIAN 我来啦~ p/s: 记得吃汤圆哦~^^

today =)

Today i wake up at 7.00am Er .. Actually I din sleep at all~ Yup ~ I insomnia again ~ Kesian betullah saya~ After wake up ~ I have my breakfast but I din finish it ~ dun have appetite ~ and my eye is quite tired and swollen ~ no mood de loh ~ then after I do the house work I rush out ^^ Go to GUA’s house and gossip with her ~ ^^ Actually I want go for barbershop de But I am too early jor Wakaka =D We chat jor about 1 hour ba haha we din meet for 3 days but we still have many things to chat wakakaka just 3838 ^^ then go for cut and rebonding hair ~ the ‘result’ is not I want de I feel got some weird ~ But got ppl say nice Then okay loh ~ ^^ Today I watch MONSTER HOUSE again ^^ The first movie I watch in cinema 25 aug 2006 Wakakaka I still remember it ~^^ Then I have a nap ~ Fall sleep when I msn Do u know I feel fear when i din got any reply I cant msn again I will hang up I din receive any reply I will fear until cry de ~ ==lll A bit overstate ~ Whatever ~ ==lll 11pm now ~ This the ...


yeah ~ i cut my fringe jor ~ moon moon say me like a doll ~ err ~==''' gua gua say me girlish jor ~ then what is the conclusion ? nice or not nice ? haiz ~ just post the photo here to let u make conclusion but pic not = the real person wakakaka =D my conclusion is > a bit 卡水 = ='''


today i get shocked many times~ = ='' emm~ today a anonymous sms me i tot is my frenz cheh ~ i dun noe a boy or gurl ~ just 16 years old i think~ he/she get my hp no from his/her work place wah ~ i eng got a bit K water ~ i dun noe which shop i go for find job ~ and i leave my hp no there ~ he/she steal frm there ~ ==lll haiz  nthg to do de kanak2~ and 2nd ~ i c the lee moon moon hair jor~ walau ~ golden dao ~ == really nid so gold mah ? reli like 大家姐 jor ~ and at the moment ~ i quite scare the life after they join college ~ i scare v cant 沟通~ haiz ~ tats all ~ lazy to write ~  bye +nite ︿︿


SORRY my frenz .. i hope u u know who i means .. i will lock my emo blog .. maybe few days .. few months .. Y ? maybe got somethings to do ... so .. u just try to log in then u will noe what i mean jor ~ thankyou and sorry ~

dec wanna gone jor

edi 20/12 luu~ dec edi past jor half month ~ sorry for my broken eng ~ jusco there always 'back to school'~ wakaka~ tis not for me ~ =P my open school is may ^^ so for the form4 frenz 2008 you all must GAMBATEH le ~ dun always pray god last mint~ because i used to do thats~ not good ahh~ well let report my activity next week 21> cut my hair 22> register the eng course 23> yahoo~ Taman Pertanian I am coming ~^^ 24> BOON KEAT 's xmas party [i buy the xmas cap and the present jor ~] 25> i hope i can watch ALVIN 2 and have my 1st coffee in starbucks ^^ 26> maybe have my teori talk and remember to watch TITANIC arhhhhh !!!! 27> ... wah ~ my next week is quite busy de lohh ~ but i will enjoy it ~^^ ps> TITANIC 10pm TV2 26/12 remember to remind me watch ^^ must watch it ya ~

some and some =P

somethings happen then should be somethings different ~ someone should noe wat i means someone should be blur ~ ^^

today o.O

yup ~ today quite tired ~ the 1st time i clean up my sampah after SPM ~ ya lah ~ i m quite malas =P i change my bedroom decorate ~ my dad help me to move away the large cupboard and v buy 2 new small cupboard to put in my room ^^ lol~ then i add a table in my bedroom~ easy me to read books ^^ but i not yet finish clean up ~ haiz~ next time dun buy so much things lah ~ quite tired to clear it ~ haha ~ today i buy my new lens ^^ haha~ i have my lens now ^^ ermm ~ really got a bit scare to put in and take out it from eyes~ but ~ i am clever 1~ i use 20min to learn it ~ ^^ yes ~ i have my lens jor~ next time no nid to wear spec ^^ haha~ yup~ 爱美就是要不怕死的~ lol~ wakaka~ today really tired ah ~ sleep loh ~ bye bye ^^ night ^^


arghhhh~ really want to scold people jor~ today go for the undang exam ~ i wait for 3 hours ~ wat the .. > @#$^56#$^%$^7%&#%@& but finally i LULUS jor i only get 43 only haiz nasib baik i lulus jor if not wanna to wait other 3 hours really wat the~ thankz GOD i pass jor

summary for today

today morning go for tarc open day erm .. i just go there to 3838 and visit the college haha 1st time =) not bad loh really large ah there college life might be very nice can know many frenz and join many club the life might be very intersting but i will still choose FORM 6 in RA i still got my lovely teacher and frenz and new frenz oso ^^ afternoon haha i have a nap then go for见工 again this is the 3rd time i reject the job haiz tis is call 反贱 ? lol =P mum say the salary is too low and if i want to do i must start it next week OH NO i want go to play 1st so so so sorry ^^ night i go for 1U with family there is really beautiful but i prefer i go there with frenz ^^ yayaya i buy a bag here ^^ mama pay it =P haha and i want to complaint we have our dinner in a restaurant but the food oh ~ no taste de and quite expensive loh ~ ==''' then we go back home and i m now suffer in reading the UNDANG question i dun want to read de but mama blow me to finish read it T T wuwu i still ha...

struggle and struggle

struggle and struggle ... >


yesterdat night i am quite struggle struggle for some stupid things and then i am made myself suck insomnia = =''' lol k ~ just forget it ~ and start my life today with blogging =D wat i want to do today leh ? saturday want go for undg exam so today must finish study the question GAMBATEH ~ then i want clean my bedroom and iron my blouse check wat is lack for my CNY lol~ i need a dress for attend my cousin's wedding ^^ so i still want to go for shopping =D and i want buy a blink blink hair band haiz ~ i oso dun know why i will TERJEMURUS to girlish style haiz~ and i want wash all my bags haha ya ya ya i need a bag oso shopping reli important ah ~ haha x'mas is around the corner i want go to shopping centre to feel the x'mas SMELL lol and wear the x'mas cap for shopping hahaha tis x'mas i want go for watch my ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUCKS 2 lol~ must must must i love tis movie ^^ okay lah ~ tats all i want do for today i start my work today lah ~ hope ever...


今天心情不好 扭到脚 还要被爸爸骂了一顿 无言 唉 就酱 完了

dun noe

actually many things i wanna ask and wanna know but i dun noe how to 'open mouth' i dun know dun know dun know but i hope u know haha actually u dun know dun know wat i try to write here juz my mood now dun know dun know and dun know

[转帖] 喜欢上他/她的17症状 somethings quite Q

十七 你經常看他/她的個人主頁 十六 當你和他/她打電話打到很晚,他/她掛了電話,你仍然想念他/她,即使電話只掛了2分鐘 十五 你一遍又一遍讀他/她的短信 十四 你和他/她一起走路的時候,走得很慢很慢 十三 他/她在你周圍的時候,你敢到害羞 十一 當你想到他的時候,你的心跳一會跳得快,一會跳得慢 十 你聽到他/她的聲音的時候會笑 九 當你和他/她在一起的時候,你看不見周圍的所有人,你的眼中只有他/她 八 當你想到他/她的時候,你會聽抒情的慢歌 七 你想到的全都是他/她 六 你聞到他/她的氣味就很興奮 五 你意識到當你看著他/她的時候,你總是在笑 四 為了見到他/她,你會為他/她做任何事 三 當你讀這篇文章的時候,有個人一直在你的腦中浮現 二 你不停的想他/她,以至於你都沒有發現這裡沒有第十二條 一 你翻上去找第十二條,然後默默地笑自己.... =D

my plan =D

I got about 5 months holiday i should plan what to do haha 5 months holiday i must find some job to work and earn money ^^ then only have money to let me waste =D 5 months holiday i should attend some classes if not my OTAK will rust wakaka 5 months holiday i want go shopping i want go travel i want do many things i want like climbing mountain , camping ... 5 months holiday i want know many many friends Y ? dun noe i like friendz ^^ 5 months holiday i want keep dating with my friends if not will be strange never let it be friendship forever ya ~ 5 months holiday i want use my holiday good good haha quite hard to have a long holiday like tis i must grateful and be thankful ^^

new moon =)

finally i watch new moon jor haha the story is not bad but got some some weird haha so i prefer to read the original fiction =) if got the money to buy it =) today i go BREM MALL with mr THAM yup.. we watch together some1 should be curious haha all my frenz watch jor mah and he is the one who free and i plan it tis morning only =D very bored to stay at home do u know? ^^ after watch movie we plan to do somethings but failed wat is that ? haha dun wan tell skip it and countiue to say SORRY lahh =) haha somebody may noe it shi ~~ thats all for today thankyou ^^



the time to change

yeah finish jor SPM finish jor my secondary school life and i have plenty of time to do my favor things haha this is the time to CHANGE wat i want to do 1st ? i want change my hair style ^^ just cut my fringe ^^ haha i just change my fringe and i will leave my long hair ^^ i love my hair ^^ 2nd change my spectacles ^^ and i want wear lens ^^ 爱美是女生的天性 =D i am girl wat ^^ 3rd wanna to become more girlish =P wear skirt lol change things to pink color but i reli like black and white and grey > and dun be so coarse be more polite lol i always polite de mah haha i try lah ^^ 4th i want attend classes ^^ eng class violin class drawing class and maybe somemore ^^ improve myself mah ^^ 5th ... dun no yet i will try to change as good as i can be ^^ gambateh ^^

the hours after SPM

wakakaka finish my SPM jor but i din feel the mood after SPM wat mood i should have now ? i din feel happy din feel relax din feel the crazy watever lahh at least i have the time now to do my own things tis is worth to hapi after BC TRUMPET GUA and ME go MIDVALLEY actually MV is quite SIENZ for us but nevermind lahh edi a whloe year i din go there jor hahaha we go shopping there and have MCD for our lunch we meet the mr small dimple there he still so Q LOL i buy i shirt there and i quite like it because got 'cap' behind there ^^ and TRUMPET and me buy a same singlet but different color ^^ TRUMPET buy a sunglass but SEED call her FLY hahaha i oso dun no why i jus noe every1 get crazy aftar i have mu dinner 0.0 SEED and CHLOE join us to watch 3D x'mas carol but but but i not very noe the story talking about lol after movie we go back home loh by KTM every1 start crazy when waiting the KTM they talking about something nonsense like .... UNDER ... LOL then SEED fetch ...

today =)

yeah ~ finally i go for UNDANG jor .. ya ~ i really hate it ~ damn bored ~ the class 5 hours leh ~ == i choose for die even better if i can choose =P quite waste my time > but after the class ... i quite woory about the EXAM ~ wakakaka ~ i really din hear any things from the penceramah ~ then now i should waste some time to finish read the book haiz ~ i want fast fast to finish the damn exam and start learn drive car ^^ i expect it ^^ and i wanna to say THANK YOU to mr THAM thankz for him fetch me for lunch if not i will die there =P

喜欢 一个人 27/01/09

after i post the ' emo ing ' i think back somethings i think back my article tat i wrote be4 my mood now is same as wat the article i wrote .. [but not all lah ..] 最近 喜欢一个人 赖在床上 看书 听歌 喜欢一个人 坐在客厅 看戏 [这个是因为 和爸爸一起看得话 他一定会转台] 呵呵 喜欢一个人上网 看看论坛 逛逛部落格 写写网志 我只喜欢一个人 因为我真的 很不知道 怎么去和别人沟通 我已经忘了 以前怎样 疯狂的去交际 我已经喜欢一个人 不喜欢和别人沟通 而且 是 那种完全没有共同话题的 我会选择 看书 在家 我是酱的 我已经不知道要怎样 和爸妈沟通了 最近 我一直都是被骂的那个 我只可以算了 选择躲在房间看书 会来的比较实际 说到下去 我还是会被骂的那个 和朋友 我会选择沉着 总觉得 不适宜我发表的时间 和亲戚 我也会选择 坐一旁看书 因为话题总不会一样 而且 我会发觉说什么都会说错 不然说完了 场面一定冷到结冰 还不然就 没有人在听 有句话说 多说多错 少说少错 不说 自然 不会有错 所以 沉默是金 呵呵 还有最后的是 和我老公 我也不知道要怎样和他沟通 我们俩的脾气绝对不会是很好的 每次说不到两三句 一定会吵架 我很无奈 很 X.o 还是比较喜欢 一个人

EMO ing

actually i hate my life now .. i hate myself .. I dun noe what the things i had done .. I hate everythings even myself .. may be some reason below because of JEALOUS ? ya .. i should not be like tat .. i m not mature yet .. sori for my jealous because of STRESS ? i want to finish my SPM and reli put down all my books i want to have a time to let myself play hard because of the TIME ARRANGEMENT ? i cant arrange my time well my cant plan a good time for enjoy my holiday wit my frenz because of the ppl like to give me the PROBLEM and wan me to settle it do u noe i hate it ? i cant yield to everyone do u noe wat is 自所不予勿施于人 dun always thrown the problem to me i hate it ! - IT MAY BE CONTINUE - - emo ING - - sori -
hey . today we go play badminton . i quite nervous .. haha xD because i already many years do not touch the racket .. haiz .. i scare my skill already rust ... and actually i even have not any skill > i just noe to move my hand move the racket .. lol > BOONKEAT is the one tat say want to 'trian' me lol because i m very lazy to run to 'snap' shuttlecock .. haha xD i feel i m back ^^ i noe how to play le haha xD ya lah .. must play often if not rust again

the day after chem =D

today QKI GUA BUBBLE and me go JUSCO we go there for find job earn money i buy a fiction at POPULAR - JUST SAY YES - the first eng fiction i buy haha XD i hope can use the holiday to improve myself haha xD we walk all the area around car4 and we walk in all the shop and ask for job finally only LE CLASSIC confirm to hire us but only RM 4 per hours do 5 hours per day quite less de salary only RM 480 per month i want eran money to learn violin eng and drawing after pay the fee the salary may left RM40 T.T i still want to shopping i still want to buy many many things how to live ah with my RM40 per month ? but anywhere GAMBATEH !!

today =)

finally the chem chem gone jor wat is my comment ? as usual loh '' the question is not difficult but i dun think so i did well '' lol = = ~~ chem gone jor no heart to study already i m now cant stay at home already i hope i can rush out and stay with frenz chatting shopping bla bla bla BUT i feel quite void after i hand in my chem paper i will leave this school soon 6 days more i will finish my exam 6 days more i will leave this school i miss my teacher i miss my school and i miss u guy 6 days more days to finish my exam i should happy for that wakaka xD


[7/12/09] [一] [11.25pm] 已经一个月没有动过我的 化学 了 我这才想起 我化学的课已经停了一个月 去年到现在 我几乎从来没有缺过课 印象中好像有一次想过 最后 ... 忘了有没有逃课 化学课 在星期六的下午 因为这堂课 我这两年牺牲了很多活动 星期六下午的活动 这一堂课 是我两年了 都没有换过老师的 也没有换过时间 房间换过 哈哈 xD 两年了 原本从约6个学生 到今年 已有约12个了 化学也是我其中一个科目 从来没有 不及格 过 物理也没有 xD 化学 我没有不及格过 这 要感谢我的补习老师 虽然 平时上补习课 我会有时不懂装懂 然后只能逼自己硬记得 因为老师都一直会重复一些小细节 必须记得的 我第一个记得的是 copper 2+ ION is blue colour 所以成绩都没有很好 但是不至于不及格 谢谢老师 哈哈 很多学生会和老师说他的笔记很乱 因为老师都是用 手写 的 而且 字体不好看 xD 哈哈 两年了 我会觉得还好 我还看得明白 而且我都会帮它用highlighter美化 哈哈 所以 其实我很喜欢我的笔记 如果有机会 我会希望 帮老师抄过他的笔记 我的字比较好看嘛 而且用手写真的会比较有亲切感 哈哈 xD 明天就考试了 诚实说 我没有动过 我真的不知道 我怎么会这样 化学 是我除了 物理 高数 外 最喜欢的科目 我当然希望它会 甲 但是 自己真的没有心了 现在我只可以忍耐下去 真的需要啃下去了 但是 我亲爱的 化学 亲爱的老师 对不起 如果自己明天 真的办不到 真的很对不起 是我自己平时太看得起自己了 无心做温习 haiz 希望明天我不会被题目弄得我blur2啦 希望明天一切顺利 ^^


[4/12/09] [六] [10.10pm] 早上 和 呱呱 去JUSCO 原本是想买做工的东西 但是 后来就只有在买 买了些简单的化妆品 哈哈 忘了说 要感谢那个 种子 司机 带着他去逛街 还真的有点 奇怪 哈哈 进到 watson 他竟然拿了店里的圣诞帽来戴 还拿店里的bear2 拿来抚摸 > 最后是 一件都没买 哈哈 事情最后 说到 种子 妹 发生意外 哇 种子 变形了 样子变了 严肃了 担心他妹妹吧? 那刻开始真的会觉得 有个哥哥真的好 去到现场 还好那个人没有什么事 世上没有钱办不到的事 付了那个人些钱 事情就结束了 意外还真的很容易发生 我还真得有点担心 我下个星期才说要去听undang 要是以后发生意外 我要找谁啊? 原来哥哥是很重要的 我也要个哥哥T.T Gab 比较可爱 他叫我找个 男朋友 比较好 但是我会觉得哥哥比较好 哥哥一定会帮我出头啊 男朋友 如果分手了的话叻? 哈哈 哥哥比较好


姓名:【华】刘界辉 【英】Juztin Lan Kah Fai 年龄:19 生日日期:1990年3月22日 来自:Ipoh 语言:Mandarin, Cantonese, English 身高:172cm 体重:60kg 职业:学生兴趣:唱歌,足球 喜欢他xD


╬ 30/11/09 ╬  一 ╬ 08.45pm ╬  总算考完了生物 但是心里并没有安了下来 因为题目比想象的容易 但是我却无法完全写出答案 真得不敢想象它的成绩会是怎样 今天考完生物 就溜去了 年 家刨会计 明天就会计了 下午还中国文学叻 怎么 死 啊 怎么 死 很久没有和 年 聊过天了 今天应该是 我今天和她说过最多话的一天了吧 哈哈哈 幸好我们的聊话没有冷场过 哈哈 时间很快 才坐一会儿 就五点半了 我呢 就独自儿 走路回家 路很长 很远 我背着书包 一步一步走 突然脑袋 冒出和一句话 只要牙咬一紧 硬着头皮 就闯过去了 还有五个科目 我真得唯有忍一忍 熬过去 考完试的天空 在等我去上色 身子累了 突然觉得回家的路真的很长 走在笔直的大道旁 车子 很快速的一辆一辆 在我身边经过 你问我怕吗? 我当然怕 一个人走在看不见尽头的大路上 谁不会怕 但是 目的地 – 家 是我的动力 它让我加快了脚步 在人生道路上 唯一让你前进的动力就是你的目标 即使你看不见未来的路 但是只要目标清晰 他就会领你到你想要的未来 加油 !!


[29/11/09] [日] [11.50pm] 明天就考生物了 这可能是我人生最后一次考生物了 我中六一定不会选择生物课 因为我真的完全窒息在生物的参考书里了 我真的有想过逃掉明天考试 我真的不敢去想象 明天的我在考场会怎样发呆 可能我会急得哭起来 我更不敢想象拿生物的成绩 真的不希望它会不及格 但是我真的已经窒息了 对不起 T.T


[29/11/09] [日] [凌晨2.45分] 今天是我第一次喝了咖啡 睡不着的晚上 身体是有些累的 但是却没有睡意 原本想明年才开始使用的这个部落格的 现在就开始 启用了 现在的我 在看着戏 翻着生物的参考书 心理完全没有想读的意思 明天就考试了 我该怎么 死 ? 唉


[26/11/09] [thursday] renaissance - kelahiran semula =)